December 6, 2022

Serverless Computing & Serverless Architecture in Cloud Computing

Advantages Of Serverless Computing

Let’s define serverless in its broadest meaning. Does this indicate that no servers are involved? Naturally, the response is no. It basically means that the management and provisioning of these servers is outsourced to the cloud provider, leaving you as the developer to concentrate on writing code or business logic. Today we will explain how Over the years, our deployment models have changed.

A technique for providing backend services on an as-needed basis is serverless computing. Users can write and deploy code with the help of a serverless provider without having to hassle with worrying about the supporting infrastructure. Because the service is auto-scaling, a company that purchases backend services from a serverless vendor only pays for what they calculated to be necessary. They are not required to reserve and pay for a specific amount of bandwidth or a specific number of servers. The use of physical servers continues despite the name “serverless,” but developers do not have to be aware of them.

Serverless Computing Myth

A few technologies are commonly confused with serverless computing. These are platform-as-a-service and backend-as-a-service, respectively. Despite certain parallels between the two technologies, serverless computing cannot be defined as a methodology using them.

A)Backend as a Service (BaaS) In this service model, a cloud vendor offers back-end services like data storage, enabling developers to concentrate more on writing front-end code. BaaS apps might not fully fit the requirements of a serverless computing technique, even if the majority of serverless applications are entirely event driven and run on the edge.

In Backend as a Service (BaaS) model, Developers can simply focus on creating and maintaining the front end of a web or mobile application. BaaS providers offer pre-written software for server-based tasks including user authentication, database management, remote updating, and push notifications (for mobile apps), in addition to cloud hosting and storage.

B)Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is a concept where developers purchase all of the necessary application parts from the cloud service provider in order to build and deploy their apps on the vendor’s cloud server. However, a significant disadvantage of PaaS apps is that scaling up is more difficult than with serverless applications. PaaS applications don’t run on the edge, which results in an observable delay when the application first launches.

Differences between BaaS and serverless computing

BaaS and serverless computing share some similarities in that both require developers to focus solely on writing application code without considering the backend. Additionally, a lot of BaaS suppliers provide serverless computing services. A genuine serverless architecture and apps developed with BaaS, however, operate very differently.Below are some insight supporting it.

When code runs

Event-driven architectures, or serverless architectures, operate in reaction to events. Each function only ever executes when a specific event triggers it; otherwise, it does not. BaaS-built applications are typically not event-driven, requiring greater server resources.

Where code runs

Edge computing can be introduced into the architecture of the programme by running code at the network’s edge since serverless tasks can be executed from any location on any machine, as long as they are still in communication with the rest of the application. BaaS may not always be configured to let code to execute anytime, anyplace.

How the application scales

One of the key characteristics that sets serverless systems apart from other types of architecture is scalability. When using serverless computing, the application scales up automatically as consumption grows. The architecture of the cloud vendor starts up temporary instances of each function as needed. Unless the BaaS provider additionally offers serverless computing and the developer incorporates this into their application, BaaS applications are not configured to scale in this manner.

You wonder where the server went

Serverless is imagined as a flexible cloud workshop. In theory, it should encourage programmers to create tools that respond to commands . The development of such a service would make use of previously written code that manages some of the steps. The software developer specifies the elements required to represent a task, and the network responds by providing some of those elements, according to the developer-oriented serverless ideal. All of a sudden, the data centre becomes nothing more than a kitchen. While a chef may have access to a variety of resources, the majority of people cook with vegetables that they grow themselves.

If you already believed that serverless computing was inevitable, the reasons for it are considerably stronger. It was more difficult to switch from [datacenter] to cloud than to serverless from [VM-based app]. As they begin experimenting with tools like [AWS] Lambda, developers will come to appreciate their potential.

Advantages Of Serverless Computing

  • Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider allocates machine resources on demand, taking care of the servers on behalf of their customers. “
  • The term “serverless” is misleading because cloud service providers still utilise servers to run developers’ code.
  • However, developers of serverless applications are not concerned with capacity planning, configuration, management, maintenance, fault tolerance, or scaling of containers, VMs, or physical servers.
  • The results of serverless computing are stored after being processed in short bursts rather than being held in volatile memory.
  • When an app is not in use, there are no computing resources allocated to the app.
  • Quick deployments and updates are possible
  • No server management is necessary
  • Code can run closer to the end user, decreasing latency
  • Serverless technologies feature automatic scaling, built-in high availability, and a pay-for-use billing model to increase agility and optimize costs.


Enterprises will keep using OpenStack, and they’ll utilise Kubernetes to manage their containers for a long time. They’ll also spend more money on serverless technologies.  It’s never as simple as “stop everything and do because businesses are messy, slow, and complicated.

In summary, serverless computing is the way of the future, but it will take businesses a while to adopt it. AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud offer lucrative opportunities to market that future.